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Cherry and Kerry’s Career

“So you’re not worried about this little article at all?” Cherry reacted, raising her wispy eyebrow and whipping her head up.

Kerry was sitting in her usual pose, with her fingertips spread apart and in front of her face. Fully inspecting every rhinestone and gem that had been tacked to her six inch nail.

“What would I do without you Cherry.” Kerry sighed as she picked up a mirror and began to inspect the painted corner of her black cat eye. “Do we have the plane bag packed?”

“Of course Kerry.”  Cherry swiveled towards her laptop, and began typing away at the computer.

The quiet room filled with loud clicks, as Kerry closed her eyes. Cherry, turned to look at Kerry a few times before finally asking in a whisper, “Hey Kerry the Trevor Project just tweeted you about Trump –“

“Ah aha ah,” Kerry interrupted with one eye open, “this is me time. Remember.”

“Okay,” Cherry responded, as she turned back to continue working.

Kerry stayed sitting with her eyes closed for hours. Beside her and feverish in her operation, Cherry clicked, scrolled, opened, and typed. Fiery emails continued to pop up in her inbox.

Kerry then opened her eyes. “Do you think Fried Chicken for dinner?”

Cherry nodded her head, “that sounds great.”

“Excellent in addition to getting us fried chicken I want you to add a few more items to your list of to-dos” Kerry ordered. “ I would like you to order an Uber Black I will be enjoying the Fried Chicken to-go. I have an important PR meeting at the Museum before our flight. Also hire someone to greet me at the airport. I want the other travelers to know that I am much more important than them.”

Cherry began scribbling the demands on a bullet point list. “Anything else?”

“Yes, thank you for asking, I demand that you stop wearing the color blue. It’s a hideous color for you and your sight is offending me right now.” Kerry stood to her feet, “and I will give you a raise. A dollar more an hour starting immediately.” She paused at the door, and turned to look at Cherry. “Actually have that Fried Chicken Delivered to the museum. I will be leaving now.” The silk train of her gown trailed behind her as she strutted through the exit. Cherry, smiling as she turned back towards her laptop.

At the museum Kerry had trouble stepping out of the cab. “CHERRY!” She yelled. No one answered, and she cursed the driver, “Seri she screamed into her phone remind me to tell Cherry that she should know to come to these things.”

Kerry entered the museum with a dramatic sigh in an empty room. She noticed an old lady sitting in the corner behind a school desk. On the desk a small plastic container held brochures for the museum.

Kerry waved across the room, “Toodloohoo.”

The woman looked up with a scowl, her Uni-brow contorting.  â€œYes?”

Kerry, “yes what was your name again?”

“Meredith, listen you’ve already been here with the same pitch, and believe us we’re not interested.”

“Listen, but you haven’t heard the best part.”

“What exactly would that be?”

“The money, this is all about the money. People love me I’m going to sell out.”

“Yeah,” Meredith gestured, “I’ve heard that about you. That people have a lot of things to say about you that is.”

It was at this moment that something truly strange came over Kerry, her face contorting into a position never before witnessed by this poor old museum attendant. She snapped, like a twig in the yard being trampled under by vicious animals.

Kerry smacked herself, and then almost smacked the old woman, before stopping herself turning around and slapping herself. “I must be dreaming,” her loud squeeling voice echoed through the large front entrance. “I mean for God’s sake, I need this job, and I need to be the center piece of this museum, I’m offering you fandom that would die for me. My fans are ravenous and being your spokesperson would change my life.”

The sound of Kerry’s ringtone played, a cow mooing, and surprised the old man. She jumped her seat as Kerry turned around and answered, “Kerry Rare here, tell me why I care?”

“Kerry it’s Cherry, your Uber is outside.”

“Oh goodness, I’m in the middle of an important meeting. I can’t believe you would interrupt me now. Fine I’ll be out in a few minutes.” Kerry hung up.

“I just got another offer,” Kerry said throwing her dress behind her as she stepped out, “you’ll be hearing from my lawyers about this.” Kerry threatened as she heaved the doors open and stepped into the sun.

Cherry was anxiously waiting at the drop off curb outside the airport, when she saw Kerry’s Uber pulling up. Kerry got out, and began walking towards Cherry, “I assume you have the tickets?”

Cherry nodded her head, and followed Kerry their small carry-on trailing behind her.

“I need to detox as soon as possible.” Kerry said out loud as she was waved through security.

“Oh by the way Cherry, did you get the President’s phone number like I asked for?”

Cherry smiled as graciously as she could muster. “No sorry Kerry.”

“Okay well, you need to stop being so lazy. When I ask you to do something I expect results, otherwise what is the point of hiring you?”

“Kerry at some point you’re going to have to deal with this situation.”

“Okay I don’t want to worry about that right now. Stop bringing it up.”

“Fine,” Cherry admitted folding her arms and looking away from Kerry.

Kerry, putting her pink satin face mask over her eyes, she turned on rest mode. Cherry hearing their call to board over the intercom picked up Kerry and guided her to her seat as quietly as she possibly could. Then they were off to Houston.

Their accommodations in the luxurious Hilton outside of town were up to Kerry’s standards, and she was able to rest comfortably in the bed, they used to joke that Kerry didn’t get beauty rest she was in a beauty coma, and she proved it true, as she didn’t rise from her bed until about an hour before it was show time. She changed into her showgirl numberon the way over flashing her hole to Cherry in the back seat of their Uber.

Kerry enters through the back door. “Jimmy,” she cries out, as she enters into the kitchen. A short man with a moustache and shades over his eyes greets her. “Kerry Rare, it’s excellent that you’re actually on time for once.”

“Ha” Kerry mocks, “Do you have my usual routine que’d up.”

Jimmy assured her, “Yep, the Beyonce Mash-Up, into the Funeral Dance Party, and Brittany and Lady Gaga too finish.”

“Exactly,” she announces.

“I should warn you Kerry, I think that a few people might have been upset by this article about you.”

“Sheesh, when are people gonna stop talking about that. It’s like people just can’t let it go.”

“Oh, okay, well still I tried to tell you.”

“It’s fine.” Kerry said stamping her way into the backstage dressing room, where she took some heels from her bag and slipped them on her feet.

“With a face like this honey,” she told herself as she stared at her delicately drawn features and brilliantly painted colors, “you are gonna kill as per usual.”

A couple finishing touches and she was positioned behind the curtain. When she came out from behind the curtain perfectly on q she noticed something strange. There was no one in the audience except for Cherry.

With the Mic in her hand she turned it on and began yelling at Cherry.

Cherry thinking this was a good time to start recording held up her phone and pressed play.

“So what if I’m a Republican, GodDamnnit Cherry you are such a stupid Bitch for letting this happen to me. Being a Republican is only because I’m Fiscally conservative. SO what if I’m Fiscally Conservative and I enjoy Fisting. These two things are not mutually exclusive. Okay. Okay.”

“I need a drink Jimmy.” Kerry requested before saying. “Cherry you’re fired.”

Cherry, without a word, turned and left. Kerry didn’t finish her set only sat with Jimmy at the bar and sobbed into an open glass.

Credit: Image by Marcel van Engelenburg from Pixabay

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