Cherry and Kerry’s Career

Kerry entered the museum with a dramatic sigh in an empty room. She noticed an old lady sitting in the corner behind a school desk. On the desk a small plastic container held brochures for the museum.

Kerry waved across the room, “Toodloohoo.”

The woman looked up with a scowl, her Uni-brow contorting.  â€œYes?”

Kerry, “yes what was your name again?”

“Meredith, listen you’ve already been here with the same pitch, and believe us we’re not interested.”

“Listen, but you haven’t heard the best part.”

“What exactly would that be?”

“The money, this is all about the money. People love me I’m going to sell out.”

“Yeah,” Meredith gestured, “I’ve heard that about you. That people have a lot of things to say about you that is.”

It was at this moment that something truly strange came over Kerry, her face contorting into a position never before witnessed by this poor old museum attendant. She snapped, like a twig in the yard being trampled under by vicious animals.

Kerry smacked herself, and then almost smacked the old woman, before stopping herself turning around and slapping herself. “I must be dreaming,” her loud squeeling voice echoed through the large front entrance. “I mean for God’s sake, I need this job, and I need to be the center piece of this museum, I’m offering you fandom that would die for me. My fans are ravenous and being your spokesperson would change my life.”

The sound of Kerry’s ringtone played, a cow mooing, and surprised the old man. She jumped her seat as Kerry turned around and answered, “Kerry Rare here, tell me why I care?”

“Kerry it’s Cherry, your Uber is outside.”

“Oh goodness, I’m in the middle of an important meeting. I can’t believe you would interrupt me now. Fine I’ll be out in a few minutes.” Kerry hung up.

“I just got another offer,” Kerry said throwing her dress behind her as she stepped out, “you’ll be hearing from my lawyers about this.” Kerry threatened as she heaved the doors open and stepped into the sun.

Cherry was anxiously waiting at the drop off curb outside the airport, when she saw Kerry’s Uber pulling up. Kerry got out, and began walking towards Cherry, “I assume you have the tickets?”

Cherry nodded her head, and followed Kerry their small carry-on trailing behind her.

“I need to detox as soon as possible.” Kerry said out loud as she was waved through security.

“Oh by the way Cherry, did you get the President’s phone number like I asked for?”

Cherry smiled as graciously as she could muster. “No sorry Kerry.”

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